Announcing Teske, Katz, Kitzer & Rochel!
The last few months have brought exciting new changes to our firm. First, we are pleased to announce the addition of two new partners, Brian T. Rochel and Phillip M. Kitzer. We are also announcing the retirement of one of the firm’s founders, Bill Crowder. After 43 years of practicing law, Bill has decided to retire. We will miss working with Bill and wish him well in retirement.
With these changes, our firm has changed its name! Crowder Teske Katz and Micko is now Teske Law.
We have also moved to a new suite on the 40th floor in the Campbell Mithun Tower to accommodate the additional attorneys and staff. Our new office is located at 222 South 9th Street, Suite 1600, Minneapolis, MN 55402.
Please visit us on our new website, We look forward to connecting with you soon!