
Teske Law Settlement Proceeds Benefit Non-Profits Helping Servicemembers

Today, Fisher House Foundation and VeteransPlus each received $41,287.17 as part of a multi-million dollar class action settlement in a case that Teske Law lawyers, Vildan Teske and Marisa Katz, and their retired partner Bill Crowder, litigated on behalf of thousands of servicemembers.  Under the settlement, the parties agreed that any unclaimed settlement funds would go to the two nonprofits to assist in their work for servicemembers rather than the funds remaining with the defendant.  Vildan Teske was the court-appointed lead counsel in the class action lawsuit.

Service Members to Receive Over $123 Million for Unlawful Foreclosures Under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act

The Justice Department today announced a major victory for servicemembers under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). The Justice Department reached a settlement with a group of mortgage servicers for improperly foreclosing on servicemembers’ homes. The five mortgage servicers are JP Morgan Chase Bank N.A. (JP Morgan Chase); Wells Fargo Bank N.A. and Wells Fargo & Co. (Wells Fargo); Citi Residential Lending Inc., Citibank, NA and CitiMortgage Inc. (Citi); GMAC Mortgage, LLC, Ally Financial Inc. and Residential Capital LLC (GMAC Mortgage); and BAC Home Loans Servicing LP formerly known as Countrywide Home Loans Servicing LP (Bank of America).

The DOJ press release is available here.

Class Action Settlement Checks Mailed to Class Members in Repossession Case

Settlement checks were mailed out today in a class action litigated on behalf of consumers in Minnesota and Missouri who were sent unlawful notices following the repossession of their vehicles. Class members will receive checks ranging from nearly $600 to more than $5,000, as well as nonmonetary benefits including the deletion of credit report trade lines regarding the subject vehicle loans and elimination of deficiency balances on those loans. Marisa Katz was the court-appointed lead counsel in the litigation.